Title: Playground
Medium: Etched, inked and sprayed Recycled Aluminium printing plates
Size: 1330 x 1040mm (inc frame)
Price: £900.00
I chose a painting by Stanhope Alexander Forbes called ‘The fishermen’s expedition’. I was attracted to this piece of work because of the family interaction in progress within the confines of a small boat.
Childhood emotions
I can relate to this situation because my father owned various water craft on the south coast of Cornwall during my formative years. This sounds like an idyllic and privileged childhood to grow up in but as with most family dynamics things are never quite that simple.
Internet influence
When I started planning this piece my intention was also to show how the influence of the Internet and social media had damaged the family unit. But as I continue I find myself questioning this perception, maybe it also empowers the young with the confidence to make their own decisions without the tyranny of the family unit stifling them?
Respect for the sea
After recently returning to this area over the last 10 years I have noticed how the relationship humans have with the sea has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Sailing boats have been replaced by high powered recreational day boats and the learned, respectful knowledge of the sea has been usurped by an ignorant entitlement that the sea is a playground for high speed, alcohol fuelled day trips and picnics.